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This is the UK's ENIS site

What is ENIS? | The Seed Project | ValNet | Joining the network

This is the Web site of the European Network of Innovative Schools for the United Kingdom. If your school is doing interesting things, then maybe it should be part of this network.

To see all the resources on this site, go to the contents page.


What is ENIS?

Click here to go to the homepage of the European Schoolnet ENIS is a network of the European Schoolnet (also known as the EUN). If you want to know more about the European Schoolnet, click here or on the logo.

ENIS is the European Network of Innovative Schools - a network for schools that do new and original things, in different countries of Europe.

For a short presentation on some of the ICT agencies in the UK, click here. This will open in a new window.

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The Seed Project

Alt text Seed is one of the European Schoolnet's School of Tomorrow Projects. It is currently running in forty schools in Norway, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

If you would like to know more about the Seed project, click here or on the image.

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ValNet logo - click here to go to the ValNet homepage The European Schoolnet Validation Network (ValNet) will facilitate building knowledge about innovation in schools and help create the conditions for creating schools of tomorrow.

ValNet is an accompanying measure for the validation and demonstration phases of R&D projects related to schools. The core activity of ValNet is to validate at least five Schools of Tomorrow projects using a framework methodology applied in selected schools across Europe, to cluster and animate projects and to consolidate and disseminate results.

If you would like to know more about ValNet, click here or on the image.

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Joining the network

Becta is currently reviewing the UK's support for the networks and activities of the European Schoolnet. If you would like your school to be considered for membership of the European Network of Innovative Schools, then please send an e-mail to Andrew Moore (andrew.moore@eastriding.gov.uk) or to Philippa Lee (philippa.lee@becta.org.uk).

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